A partir de amanhã, é expectável que esta depressão mostre a sua força convectiva, ou seja as trovoadas e a chuva forte vão-se manifestar com mais frequência. As explicações científicas explicam a possibilidade de ocorrência de tornados pelo facto de haver muita convecção na atmosfera (Joules/kg), e de esta depressão se tratar de uma massa de ar quente e húmida. Um dos serviços meteorológicos europeus, o projecto ESTOFEX explica isto tudo e mete a P. Ibérica com nível um de risco, mas estão na dúvida se hão de meter nível dois dado o que está previsto.
A falada convecção vai-se manifestar mais no interior e no mar, pelo que se podem formar super células, granizo pequeno e forte, ventos de altitude muito altos até 30m/seg (108 km/h) que vão provocar isto tudo. Presentemente o IM tem o país em alerta amarelo de ventos até 90 km/h.
Explicação científica Estofex abaixo (em Inglês):
... Iberia ...
Placed under rather cold upper levels, surface low remains quite stationary during the morning hours and finally makes some progress eastwards later towards Wednesday. It maintains its strength with persisting warm and humid air advection into SW parts of Europe. At mid-levels, quite strong jet wraps around the trough axis with strong deep layer shear in excess of 25-30 m/s. It seems that veering profiles will also enhance LL shear/SREH (above 15 m/s of LLS and above 200 m^2/s^2 of SREH3). Models are confidently simulating several hundreds J/kg of MLCAPE.
It seems that persisting SW flow and large-scale ascent will be favorable for extensive rainfall across much of Iberian Peninsula, resulting in high rainfall accumulations. However, placed in rather unstable and sheared environment, numerous embedded organized storms, including severe storms, seem likely as well. The main threat will be excessive convective rainfall locally, especially where it will combine with persisting/maintaining orographic effects (SW Iberia). Additionally, high SREH/shear values suggest that rotating storms are possible, bringing marginal threat for strong winds, small hail or even tornadoes especially along the coastal areas. High shear could also support training effect of the storms and enhance flash floods threat additionally.
However, high-end level 1 threat has been issued for much of Iberia, but it might need to be upgraded into level 2 in case of larger coverage or severe storms with intense rain.
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